Nuit de la Poésie/Poetry Night
Friday, March 19th, 2021
AFDC Poetry Night is back with its fourth!
Join us for a "nuit de la poésie," a relaxed evening where you will hear select poems from around the French-speaking world and discuss their meanings. This event showcases the works by Monegasque poet, Sabine Péglion, and features two poems, extracts from her Collection: “These words so scattered” (Ces mots si clairsemés), Editions la tête à l’envers, 2019. Reading by Karine Médecin of the Embassy of Monaco.
Have poetry of your own? Bring it along to share at the open mic session at the end of the event.
About the poet: Sabine Peglion (bio in French)
"Deux poèmes extraits du Recueil" ("Two poems taken from the Collection")
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Sabine Peglion